From Left: Councillor Darryl Pohl (Ward 1), Councillor Kristin Hoebee (Ward 2),
Councillor Matthew Prychun (Ward 3), Mayor Joy Sul, Councillor John Preun (Ward 5),
Councillor Laurie Hunt (Ward 6) and Councillor Russ Garvie (Ward 4)

Back Row: Councillor Rob Ataman, Councillor Rob Hogg, Deputy Mayor Laurie Hunt,
Councillor Joy Sul, Councillor Russ Paradoski, Councillor Elmer Keryluk
Front Row: Chief Administrative Officer Sue Sutherland, Mayor George Pike,
Assistant Chief Administrative Officer Deb Murphy

Back Row: Councillor Rob Ataman, Councillor Ralph Boch, Councillor Laurie Hunt,
Councillor Russ Garvie, Deputy Reeve Kurtiss Krasnesky, Councillor Elmer Keryluk
Front Row: Chief Administrative Officer Sue Sutherland, Reeve Don Forfar,
Assistant Chief Administrative Officer Debbie Sinclair

Back Row: Councillor Rob Ataman, Councillor Laurie Hunt, Councillor Ralph Boch,
Councillor Wayne Boch, Councillor Kurtiss Krasnesky, Councillor Elmer Keryluk
Front Row: Secretary Treasurer Sue Sutherland, Reeve Don Forfar,
Chief Administrative Officer DJ Sigmundson

Back Row: Councillor Rob Ataman, Councillor Ralph Boch, Councillor Laurie Hunt,
Councillor Wayne Boch, Councillor Kurtiss Krasnesky, Councillor Elmer Keryluk
Front Row: Assistant CAO Linda Wodchyc, Reeve Don Forfar,
Chief Administrative Officer Scott Spicer

Back Row: Councillor Murray Foster, Councillor Cliff Kolach, Councillor Elmer Keryluk,
Councillor Ralph Boch, Councillor Kurtiss Krasnesky, Councillor Peter Skazyk
Front Row: Reeve Don Forfar, Secretary Treasurer Marilyn Regiec

Left to Right: Councillor Edward Pawluk, Councillor Larry Stefanik,
Secretary Treasurer Marilyn Regiec, Councillor Douglas Hacking,
Councillor Wayne Bracken, Councillor Peter Skazyk, Reeve Martin Zelych,
Councillor Dennis DeGroot

Back Row: Deputy Reeve Jean Keryluk, Councillor Nick Huminicki,
Councillor Doug Hacking, Councillor Peter Skazyk, Councillor Wayne Bracken,
Councillor Carol Klagenberg
Front Row: Assistant Secretary Treasurer Linda Prokopenko, Reeve Martin Zelych,
Secretary Treasurer Leslie Price

Back Row: Councillor Nick Huminicki, Councillor Jean Keryluk, Councillor Peter Skazyk,
Councillor Carol Klangeberg, Councillor Wayne Bracken
Front Row: Deputy Reeve Tim Taylor, Reeve Al Ostermann, Secretary Treasurer L. Price

Left to Right: Councillor Nicholas Huminicki, Councillor Timothy Taylor,
Assistant Secretary Treasurer Carol Murray, Councillor Al Shrupka, Reeve Peter Ducheck,
Secretary Treasurer Les Price, Councillor Al Ostermann, Councillor Carol Klangenberg,
Councillor Wayne Bracken

Left to Right: Councillor Edward Loginsky, Councillor Al Shrupka,
Councillor Claudia Cheslock, Reeve Peter Ducheck, Councillor Herman Wehrle,
Councillor Timothy Taylor, Councillor Nicholas Huminicki
Back: District Planner Bala Bhatnagar, Secretary-Treasurer R. Leslie Price